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Data description

Data format: The KIVI smart pebble saves data as a binary file using a row-column format. Each row represents one time step, and each of the 13 columns corresponds to a different variable.

Logging rates: The high-g accelerometer (HG) data are logged to the file at 1000 Hz (one thousand measurements per second). The IMU and pressure data are logged at 100 Hz (one hundred measurements per second).

Because the high-g data (HG) are logged faster than the IMU and pressure data, their data remain the same until the next update at 100 Hz.

The following table provides an overview of the sensor data structure, and the physical units are given in parentheses.

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10 Col 11 Col 12 Col 13 Col 14 Col 15 Col 16
Time (ms) HGX (g) HGY (g) HGZ (g)  AccX (m/s2) AccY (m/s2) AccZ (m/s2) RotX (deg/s) RotY (deg/s) RotZ (deg/s) MagX (mT) MagY (mT) MagZ (mT) Total Pressure, Top (mbar) Total Pressure, Bottom (mbar) Battery Voltage (V)